Talking About Hymns
Pop Quiz:
1. What is a hymn?
2. Is every song we sing at church a hymn?
3. What do you think of when you hear the word
A google search will teach you more than I know (or care to know)
about hymns. Instead, let me explain it
1. Looking
at the “fine print” found at the bottom of each song
printed in hymnals
2. Comparing
a hymn with something that isn’t a hymn
1. The fine print
Take a look at the bottom of Now Thank We All Our God hymn
#198 where it gives information about the “Text.”
67, 67, 66, 66: This speaks to the
meter of the stressed
the syllables;
Now thank we all our God (6)
heart, and hands, and voic-es (7.)
Sirach 50:22-24 The songs’ scriptural reference
Now bless the God of all who everywere does
great things,
who raises us up from our birth and deals
mercifully with us.
(Sirach 5:22)
Martin Rinkart
A scholar, chorister and future pastor
who wrote the words.
Catherine Winkworth
A British native who translated this and
many hymns from German to English.
Here is what we learn about the music:
John Cruger
A musical composer and hymnal editor who composed the hymn tune Nun Danket.
The name of the hymn tune is noted to the right of the title. In this case, the tune derives its’ name from
a literal translation of the first words of the original text, “Nun Danket Alle Gott.”
2. Comparing a hymn to a song
The second way to learn about
hymns is by comparing it to something that isn’t a hymn.
Our communion song Miracle of Grace provides an excellent
contrast. In the interest of space I
will let you compare the fine print on your own.
A quick glance at the music and a
little attention paid when singing reveal several distinct distinctions that
separate hymns from songs. Hymns employ
simple rhythmic patterns and notes that move stepwise up and down the
scale. Songs allow for greater intervals
between pitches and more complex rhythms.
Miracle of Grace (#363) is very typical of contemporary church musical
Now for the challenge question:
4. What
is better? Hymns or songs?
Once again, a google search will
tell you more than I care to know, read or think about. Let me answer by saying; “I have been and
continue to be intentional in picking and singing all verses of a hymn as our
recessional song.”
Blessed to be serving at St.
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