Who REALLY matters?
Note: This liturgical note is not a political commentary. It is a question formed from Jesus’ words in the gospel for Sunday June, 28th.
“Whoever loves father or mother more than me
is not worthy of me,
and whoever loves son or daughter more than me
is not worthy of me;
Matthew 10:37
What is your response to this question? “Who Really matters?”
Consider your answer. Don’t worry, no one is going to judge you. Now consider this follow-up question: How much time did you take between reading the question and moving on to this paragraph? The answer to this second question leads to or perhaps proves my point regarding how we receive and respond to information.
We are spoon-fed “facts” by the loudest voice in the room whether they are Google, Wikipedia (or worse yet) The National Enquirer or anonymous message boards.
Don't blame the media. They have simply responded to our demand to “bottom line me” by turning articles and newscasts into bullet-points and sound-bytes.
It’s even in the language we use:
At the end of the day.……
It’s also in how our responses:
like - like - share - love - swipe left - swipe right - smiley face
Note: For those of you who are not online much, this describes what people are doing on their phones all the time. The dash (aptly named) represents the time between each image they are seeing, judging and commenting upon.
Let’s circle back to the gospel. What really matters? Part of the answer lies in something I was taught in elementary school: The answer is not always as important as what is gained from the time and effort taken working it out. At the end of the day ya gotta show your work.
Basically, it what Jesus said:
….whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.
Matt. 10:38
See you soon! (Yay!)